Videos from LunkersTV
The collection of videos Brace Built has been featured in.
How a Sniper Rifle is Made 12:22
Behind the scenes of how the Brace Tac Rifle was created and made in Garland, TX.
Testing Sniper Shots 20:17
Showing off sniper shots with the Tac rifle.
Shooting the Tac Rifle 18:54
Some footage of successfully shooting the Brace Built Tactical.
Deer Hunting 16:08
Brace Built rifle used to take down deer this season.
6.5 CM vs .308 Win 22:26
“Will a Human Body Stop a Bullet at Long Range”?
“Her First Gun!!!” 20:17
MC6 is a great choice for a gift with custom Cerakote done in house.
Introducing the BB9 13:08
Brace Built created the BB9 in 2020, our first 9mm.
“Extreme Torture Test” 28:52
Do not try at home – Rob puts the BB9 to the test.